The Key for Glowing Health: Alkaline Water
What is Alkaline Ionized Water?
Alkaline water is a special kind of water that has 100 to 1000 times more excess oxygen then normal water in the stable OH- form. It is made from the electrolysis of tap water by a Water Ionizer, a device that purifies and then removes all the harmfull acid molecules from tap water, but leaves all the beneficial alkaline molecules intact.
Alkaline water is water as found in nature’s best waters like glacier waters and good mineral spring waters. In health circles it's called many things like Living Water, Light Water, Structured Water, Microwater, Micro-Clustered Water, Reduced Water, Ionic Mineral Water and even Miracle Water.
Nature separates water into acid and alkaline. High altitude mineral spring waters tend to be alkaline, for drinking, whereas hot mineral spring waters are acidic, for washing and skin care.
Imagine having your own fresh spring water on tap - a water ionizer provides just that and more. Ionized water needs to be tried to appreciated. It is not dead like tap water that is difficult to drink - it is light, tasty, full of energy, minerals and excess oxygen. It has all the good things that your body needs the most.
Alkaline water is now being 'discovered' in the media. Watch this CNN Video clip:

"You've heard about Alkaline Batteries but what about Alkaline Water? Could that be the secret to this life changing slimming...."
CNN Video Clip!
In this CNN interview Dr Robert Young, author of "The pH Miracle", shows several cases of people that have achieved remarkable results simply from drinking Alkaline Water and an Alkaline Diet.
How do Water Ionizers work?
Water Ionization duplicates the natural process whereby in nature alkaline mineral water is found in springs, and acid water is found in 'hot baths'.
This is done by providing positive and negative charged plates that the water flows through. By the process of electrolysis or attraction the negative ions in the water are drawn to one plate, the positive ions are drawn to the other plate.
The process was discovered in the 50's when Japanese Scientists were looking at the specific qualities of glacier water's like the famed 'Hunza' water. They found that by using Russian water electrolysis technology they could separate the positive and negative ions from the water as nature does.
This was the birth of what is known as alkaline water or micro-water, which is considered by the experts to be the best drinking water.
What Are The Health Benefits?
We are 70% water, and giving yourself and your loved ones the best water should be your top priority. Ionized water Hydrates, Alkalizes, Energizes and Detoxifes the body at the cellular level.
The health benefits from hydration and restoring proper alkaline balance alone dwarf anything else we can do for our bodies.
Alkaline Ionized water is at the heart of the Alkalize and Detox Health Revolution spearheaded by people like Dr Robert Young, Tony Robbins, Dr Gabriel Cousins, Dr Baroody and many other health experts the world over.
On this website you will find clinical studies, medical case studies, as well as research and excerpts from the literature of accredited health experts that are drinking alkaline water.
All these experts are saying that we all should be drinking ionized alkaline water as a matter of priority.
Jupiter Microlite and Melody Water Ionizers
With the Jupiter MicroLite JP107 and Melody JP104 water Ionizers you can make your own Alkaline water from tap water for just £0.007 a litre.
Jupiter Ionizers are a little expensive initially, but arguably the best in the industry and are an investment in your health and your families health, and you’ll save money in the long run.
All Jupiter ionizer cells are manufactured in Jupiter's state-of-the-art factory in Japan. Their research department has existed since the early 1980s and employs 7 Engineers with Doctorates ensuring that Jupiter ionizers continues to out-perform and out-last the competition.
Jupiter Bio-Stone Filters
The filters incorporate the state art the art water fileration technolgy. The key features are:
1. Multi-Phase Hollow fibres
2. 0.1 to 0.01 Micron
3. A layer of Coral Calcium
4. A layer of Tourmaline Ceramic
The activated carbon in the filter comes from the UK and is NSF certified.
The natural mineral calcium in the filter comes from Japan and is certified by the Japanese Government.
The Ceramic Biostone in the filter is produced in Korea and comes with Korean FDA certification.
All ingredients are put into the filter housing where sealing is achieved by using high motion heat friction thereby avoiding the need for any harmful chemicals.
It will filter upto 4300 litres, approximatly 9-12 months for a family of 4.
JP107: £440.00
JP104: £580.00
0.1 Micron Replacemet Filter: £38