Colema Board ITEMS
Colema Boards® – the pioneer in the home enema board industry and lead manufacturer of home enema board kits since 1975!
Often times, thanks to poor diet choices (in want of or entirely void of proper vitamins and necessary nutrients) and/or lifestyle, our health is lacking. Millions of people suffer from chronic symptoms that are constantly treated but never go away. For years, they may battle health issues without ever considering the source of their bowel trouble (like IBS), weight gain, and other persistent symptoms could be related to a sluggish colon full of toxic material. Enemas, Colema Boards®, and professionally administered colonics are all ways to cleanse the colon of this old, hardened toxic waste material. (This is commonly referred to as detoxing or cleansing.) Detoxifying the bowel and colon with Colema Board® home enema board kits (or home colonic boards), enemas, or through colon hydrotherapy can also stimulate the immune system and help nutrients get into the blood stream for the body to use where needed.
Some of the symptomatic conditions users of the Colema Board® have reportedly received relief from are allergies, back pain, bloating, constipation, fatigue, headaches, stomach pain, and more, with additional benefits such as healthier skin, increased energy, and weight loss. Lose weight through detoxifying? Absolutely! Losing weight may occur due to the removal of built up waste in the colon and a resultant rise in metabolism. To round out the benefits of cleansing the bowel and colon, the Colema Board® (as well as enemas and colonics) can be a key player in helping the body detoxify by flushing out toxic debris in the liver, gallbladder, and fat tissue. Getting these toxins out and helping clear the way for proper vitamin and nutrient absorption greatly increases results of energy, health, and well-being! When Colema Boards® was founded, our purpose was to provide a solution for those in need of a healthy, nature-based method to aid the body in its natural cleansing processes in the easiest, most effective way possible. That continues to be our driving purpose today!
The Colema Board® Home Enema Kit (often referred to as a colonic board) is designed to simplify self-administration of an enema in the privacy of your own home. The Colema Board® provides safe and thorough cleansing of the lower colon for relief of occasional constipation and bowel cleansing. More thorough than standard enema bags and more cost-saving than paying for colonic visits, the Colema Board® is the ultimate enema alternative for colon irrigation. The use of the Colema Board® Kit increases comfort and effectiveness by allowing you to lie comfortably in one position during administration of the enema solution and elimination of waste. Completely private and without the bother of getting up and down to evacuate! Own the original, most effective home enema board kit on the market for the last 35 years – The Colema Board®!
Endorsed by health authors including Dr. Bernard Jensen, V. E. Irons, Sr., Patricia Bragg, Daniel Reid, Andreas Moritz, Brian Dodds, Dr. Timothy Brantley, Loree Taylor Jordan and more... Customer Declared Benefits Customers say that, after using the Colema Board®, they have gotten relief from conditions such as:
- Backache
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Flatulence
- Headaches
- Hemorrhoids
- Indigestion
- Loss of Concentration
- Sinus Congestion
- Skin Conditions
- Unpleasant Breath
- Weight Issues