The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

The Hidden Messages in Water is an eye-opening theory showing how water is deeply connected to people's individual and collective consciousness.


Drawing from his own research, scientific researcher, healer, and popular lecturer Dr. Masaru Emoto describes the ability of water to absorb, hold, and even retransmit human feelings and emotions.

Using high-speed photography, he found that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward it.

Music, visual images, words written on paper, and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure. Emoto theorizes that since water has the ability to receive a wide range of frequencies, it can also reflect the universe in this manner.

He found that water from clear springs and water exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while polluted water and water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

Emoto believes that since people are 70 percent water, and the Earth is 70 percent water, we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing love and goodwill.

About Dr. Masaru Emoto

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July 1943. He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine.

Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro clustered water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.

He undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature through.

He continues with this experimentation and has written a variety of well received books in Japanese as well as the seminal Message from water published bilingually.

He is married to Kazuko Emoto who shares his passion and is head of Kyoikusha, the publishing arm of his company. They have three children.


Review from


1. This is a repackaged version of the research and photos of Dr. Emoto that were originally in a set of books that included a Japanese version of the text. This research has been popularized by a number of holistic health practitioners and new science/new thought metaphysical advocates. Emoto's evidence is very impressive, although I don't think he fully understands how the water reacts to its environment in some instances, such as the response of water to specific words. Words are energetically connected to human concepts, so the word actually transmits the concept/idea/feeling that people associate it with rather than the word actually having an energy apart from the consciousness of those who have used the word. If everyone suddenly decided that "satan" "devil" and "Hitler" were positive forces then those words could become positive influences on water. Water is inherently a neutral compound - neutral pH, etc., which is perfect for transmitting energy and information without corrupting the information. Emoto has done wonderful work examining water all over the world and seeing how water reacts to a variety of environmental stimuli. Follow-up controlled research would be useful to examine how human beliefs, intentions, and consciusness may influence how water responds to various tangible or recordable stimuli. This book is valuable even just for the water crystal photos throughout the book, and should inspire more people with materialistic, mechanistic views to expand their awareness.


2. As much as there are pages with words in this book, there are just as many pages with photographs from water crystals from all over the world - from natural springs, from tap water, and then the images that were taken when different music was played, or when different positive and negative words and statements (samples were taking from many different languages) were written on a piece of paper.

Some sample words and statements were "love" and "you fool". The crystal which formed when the word "love" was written in Japanese looked so beautiful and well defined, that it almost made me begin to learn Japanese (soon, I will). But the havoc that the statement "you fool" created - I think that all who happen to use these words frequently either when referring to themselves or others, should take a closer look to get a picture as to what it does to their bodies.

It has been known to those who are involved in metaphysical studies that the vibration of love heals the body and that vibrations of fear, hate, lies cause the cells of the body to fall apart. The pictures in this book demonstrate what the vibrations of different ideas, thoughts, emotions, statements and music do to water.

This is an enlightening book which is intended to demonstrate the effect that music and words we use have on our bodies, given the fact that our bodies are mainly composed out of water.

The current edition of the book is an expanded version of the original book which contained only pictures and was reprinted due to its great demand.

The author did make few statements, though, which I do not consider entirely correct - one of them being that "ALL is made out of water" - I believe that, at least in view of both quantum physics and metaphysics, it would be more correct to state that - ALL is made out of intelligent energy - and that water in this case was a medium for experiments which have the workings of energy and vibration at the core.

Having an esoteric background, when I picked up this book, I was expecting it to go a little bit further - as in consciously intending outcomes and projecting them upon the glass of water, instead of just writing the words and statement on paper. One can, for example, also use litmus paper to measure the changes in pH levels in water after directing focused energy charged with specific thoughts, either purely mentally or through one's hands, into the glass of water.


3. Amazing and beautiful pictures of water crystals as they react to thoughts of anger, happiness, and other moods we have. We affect everything around us, including water. Since we are made up of mostly water, one can see what happens to water as it reacts. We drink the stuff, so happiness and gratitude is flowing in the water we drink. Very interesting!



4. When I was in my teens and early twenties, I had horrible, horrible acne. I tried all kinds of things; medicines, creams, soaps. My acne would dissapear for a little bit and then come back with a vengeance. I was about ready to give up. But one day I was sitting there and I was just looking at a glass of water I had poured. The morning sunlight that was streaming in through the kitchen windows hit the glass of water just right and it really caught my attention; it was absolutely beautiful. I held up that glass of water to the sun and said from a place of love, "This is beauty water. This water cleanses, purifies, and beautifies my skin..." And then I drank the water. The water actually tasted was so weird...

This was about six months before I got into learning about affirmations and visualizations and all that other metaphysical "mumbo jumbo" that people are so quick to put down but so slow in investigating the "matter" or should I say, "the Spirit" for themselves. But every time I got a glass of water, I held it up and said the statement, "This is beauty water. This water cleanses, purifies and beautifies my skin..." Would you believe in less than a week my skin completely cleared up and whenever I did breakout, it was usually small and disappeared within a few days.

Dr. Emoto's book really hit home with me. Without me even knowing what I was doing, I was actually changing the structure of the water I was drinking. I was literally changing the composition of the water with my words! Now you can scoff all you want, but something happened that I cannot explain. Like I said earlier, nothing worked. Even my dermatologist asked me what I was doing. I told him and he looked like he wanted to wet his pants. Could you imagine if every patient of his did what I did? He would quickly go out of business.

Now that I am more consciously aware of certain universal laws and principles for instance, "thoughts are things" and "what we focus on we attract" I not only bless the water that I drink, but the food that I eat. Sometimes I will "pig out" and eat a box of fudge...see my review on the best fudge in the world...and I will tell that fudge that it will only be used for energy. I will not gain an ounce of fat. Yes, I do workout, but I'm in my early 40s and my metabolism has really s l o w e d down...

I know the skeptics who are reading this review are probably having a field day and although my "experiments" have not been proven, the experiments in this book have been. When, oh, when are we going to realize that the whole universe is alive and vibrant and conscious of Itself? We live in a thinking universe and not one bit of it is "dead matter". It is beautiful and in each and every moment, everything is cleansed, purified, and beautified....

Believe it and one day you may come to know that it's true.



5. The photos are nice and beautiful and if you are a deeply religious person you probably will take the face value of the book. At least the idea is interesting. However, the methods described didn't sound particulary scientific and made it very difficult for others to attempt to duplicate it. If I ever get a hand on a high res microscope and a sub-freezing room, I will give it a shot with Bach and Iron Maiden, however, I find it hard to believe.

The question is, why would good thoughts, beautiful music, kind words make the ice into beautiful, symmetric shapes while violent music, thoughts give ugly shapes ? If you walk down the street, there are ugly people and beautiful people and average looking people. Are their thoughts and hearts as ugly or as beautiful as their appearances ?