Blood pH and Disease Questions
This section explores the all important need to mainatain an Alkaline pH balance in the bodies fluids. pH is like gravity, our bodies are continiously producing acidity from the normal process of metabolism.
Why is pH so important? Why does the body make so many efforts to maintain an alkaline blood pH? What would happen if blood pH went slightly acidic, say 6.9?
Q: Why does the body make so many efforts to maintain an alkaline blood pH?
[A: Body pH is the key to virtually all bodily functions, which is why the body takes immediate emergency actions to maintain an alkaline blood pH, even at the cost obesity, loss of calcium and minerals from the bones and organs and other ailments over the long run. This is confirmed by blood pH measurements, clinical studies. Our observation of nature shows how nature uses a delicate pH balance to regulate life on earth, including the decomposition of 'dead' life forms.]
Q: What would happen if blood pH went slightly acidic, say 6.9?
[A: You would be dead long before this happens! Blood pH is very tightly regulated.]
Q: Our 75 trillion cells are slightly acidic within and are surrounded by slightly alkaline interstitial fluid around them. Just like fish in the sea. What would happen if the interstitial fluid becomes acidic?
[A: The polarity essential for chemical and energy interchange of the cells would be lost which would effect the very functioning of the cell. This could be another reason acidic people lack energy. Energetically, we are like acid-alkaline batteries; minerals and correct acid-alkaline pH balance for the various body fluids is essential for most cellular functions.]
Q: Why is water that has acid (H+) and alkaline (OH-) in it vital for life?
[A: The ions are required to conduct electricity, without which life can not exist. If the bodies delicate pH balance where the blood and internal luids are alkaline and the skin is acid is neutralized, immediate death would result. The same would happen if the polarity in the fluids inside the cell and the external fluids that bathe and nourish the cell is neutralized. pH is essential for all bodily finctions, there can be no life without it.
Q: Could there be any truth in the 5000 year old Yin and Yang balance theories?
[A: Yes! Nature uses pH, the Yin and the Yang, to give life, control disease, and countless other things.]
Q: Why is the water from high altitude mineral springs alkaline?
A: Nature separates and provides alkaline water for drinking.
Q: Why would nature go through the trouble of separating alkaline water for drinking, and acid water for skin cleansing as for example in hot mineral baths?
[pH is one of the secrets of nature, countless natural functions from the birth and growth of life to its dissolution by the control of micro-organisms is all controlled via pH.]
Q: Why is our skin slightly acidic on on the surface and alkaline from the inside?
A: Another example of how nature uses pH - the polarity is necessary for electrical conductivity, the acid skin protects from disease.
Q: Why is the pH of sea water and our blood the same - slightly alkaline?
[A: Maybe mother nature is giving us some clues!]
Q: Why does fish die in slightly acid or distilled water but thrives on slightly alkaline water?
[A: Our cells are very much like fish swimming in an alkaline sea, and would start to die when the 'sea' becomes acidic]
Q: Are our cells like 'fish' bathed in an Alkaline Sea and would the cells die in slightly acidic or nutrient deficient 'water' ?
[A: Yes. Also, remember that 99% of the molecules in our body are water molecules.]
Q: If the fish pond is polluted and the fish is dying, would you inject the fish with chemicals or change the water?
[A: Modern medical science is in the business injecting with chemical poisons rather then looking at changing the water. Our cells are only as healthy as the blood and other fluids in our body. This is why a detox, fasting and cleansing program is vital for health - you are in effect changing the dirty water in your pond.]
Q: Why do wine or beer makers need to keep the pH of their brew slightly acidic for fermentation? Why do wine or beer makers also need to keep the oxygen low?
[A: You must have slight acidity and low oxygen to ferment (grow) bacteria. Acidity and Low Oxygen go hand in hand, where you see one, the other will also exist. The OH- that gives alkalinity in body fluids has an excess of Oxygen compared to the H+ ion, that is difficient in Oxygen and an Electron. An electron is a region of energy.]
Q: What is the connection between oxygen deficiency, acidity and the growth of bacterial, viral and fungal infections?
[A: Bacterial, viral and fungal infections can only get a foot hold if the environment is acidic. You can't grow roses on concrete as Dr Young explains.]
Q: Why are virtually all pathogenic bacteria anaerobic, and why do they like a slightly acidic environments?
[A: They are all anaerobic - live in an absence of oxygen, and acid environment]
Q: What function or business do pathogenic bacteria have in healthy living tissue?
[A: None whatsoever; they are not found in healthy living tissue. They are not the cause of the disease, just a symptom of an underlying condition]
Q: Didn't Pasteur prove that pathogenic bacteria caused disease in healthy living tissue?
[A: No, his experiments just proved that it was possible to poison someone by injecting them with the poisoned blood of another
Q: What is the origin of bacteria? Where do bacteria come from?
[A: The french genius Professor Antoine Bechamp showed that an elementary life form, microzymas, existed in all living things. It is the origin of bacteria and also DNA. What microzymas grows into depends on the environment according to Bechamp
Currently, scientists are followers of Pasteur's 'Germ Theory', which was discredited by Bechamp as false at the time. Bechamp, remember, at the time was a giant as compared to Pasteur, who was considered a Pliagiarist at best, but had good connections. Subsequently though Pasteur's theory gained ground, probably becasuse it gave 'quick' reuslts and suited the 'profit' motive of Pasteurs powerfulll supporters. ]
Q: What is the connection between oxygen deficiency, acidity and the growth of cancer cells?
[A: Cancer cells are also anaerobic. This is the fundamental difference between cancer cells and normal cells; it was shown by Dr Walburg in the 1920's, see his book 'The Metabolism of Tumours']
Q: Why does a dead body rot? What is the connection between death and scavengers? Are pathogenic bacteria scavengers or our killers?
[A: On death breathing stops. Without oxygen the body can no longer maintain an alkaline balance and starts to acidify. The acidic condition of the cells causes a proliferation of anaerobic bacteria to breed and multiply. The bacteria are scavengers, they eat up the body tissues, decomposing and converting everything to simple forms. 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust' as the bible says. You should be able to answer the next few!]
Q: Whenever you see a house on fire, you always see firemen around it; does that mean that the firemen caused the fire? How would a campaign to kill firemen because they are always connected to fires, reduce house fires?
Modern medicine since Pasteur is based on a silly concept that our health is dependant on being able to kill the smallest forms of life, with ever more deadlier chemicals.
It therefore has embarked on an ever escalating campaign, using more and more complex biological/chemicals weapons to kill simple life forms.
This 'chemical warfare' is conducted on the human body
You can provide the answers to the following questions yourself, which are provided as food for thought.....
Q: Should we question the sanity behind this 'Chemical Warfare on the Human Body' approach?
Q: Suppose we succeed and eradicate simple life forms, will that mean that we will all be free of disease and live forever?
Q: You always see flies and maggots around rubbish; does this mean that the flies caused the rubbish?
Q: Are mosquito's the cause of the polluted water in a stagnant pond?
Q: Why did Rudolph Virchow (Father of Pathology) say
"If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant"?
Q: Why did Pasteur on his death bed finally recant his germ theory by saying: "The Microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything."?