Alkaline Water Scientific Myths

This page answers some typical queries about common 'scientific' myths concerning alkaline water, detox, alkalimne diet and natural health.

Myth: UK water does not need to be Purified. A TV programme compared samples of water from every water authority in Britain and had it analysed by an Independent Chemist and found no toxins in it, except fluoride

If indeed our water supply is pure and free of all harmful substances, then that's great. By all means drink lots of it.

But do you believe everything you watch on TV or read in Newspapers?

There is ample evidence that all is NOT as it should be with our water supply because of Industrial Pollution, our excesive use of such things as Detergents, Chemicals and Drugs. Significant levels of Prozac have been found in our drinking water, if this is tha case then what about the countless tons of industrial pollutants that end up in our rivers, streams, lakes and seas?

To make matters worse, the water authorities add poisons to our water supply, allegedly to protect childrens teeth or to kill germs. If you drink enough of this water, it will kill you too.

You are well advised to purify your tap water.


Myth: Credible Science believes that Water Ionizer do not work and are a Rip-Off

Even experts can be wrong you know. Why don't you try Purified, Ionized, Alkaline water for your self and then make your own judjement?

If you had never tasted a banana and all the Scientists, Professors, Journalists, and everyone else told you that bananas were bitter, you would believe them. But once you've tasted the banana for yourself you'd know for sure.

Most distributers of Water Ionizers will give you your money back should you test the water and find that it does not work, or even if you are unhappy with the taste. Each unit comes with a pH measuring device, so you can measure the alkaine and acid waters pH for yourself.

For me, in health matters particularly, personal experience and judgement is worth more then any so called 'credible' scientific beliefs, which actually are just the accepted views of the times.

When I first did the 7 day fasting and cleansing program some 12+ years ago, friends told me that it was extreme, this and that might happen and I was given many very convincing reasons why I shouldn't do it.

Having done it, I know that benefits first hand, I saw with my own eyes the deadly junk that was in my colon and I know.

Sang Whang wrote his book 'Reverse Aging' in 1991 after he experienced the benefits of drinking alkaline water. {/slide}


Myth: A scientist says that consuming excessive Alkaline minerals from Alkaline Water can be bad for ones health

The ioniser does not introduce any minerals (except minute quantities of coral calcium), or any other substances or chemicals to the water. You are not consuming any more alkaline minerals then you normally would from your tap water. The difference is that the water will be minus the toxins and acid ion molecules that you don't need to drink.


Myth: A Chemist says that Water Ionization is not possible as it is difficult to split water molecules into H+ and OH- Ions

Water ionization does not split water molecules. All natural water (except the distilled, de-ionized water produced in a chemistry lab) contains negative and positive ions. Negative ions carry the life force of the water. Negative ions have an extra electron, or energy; positive ions are deficient in energy.

Water Ionization just separates the ions by the mechanism of electrical attraction, in a similar way to nature.

Water ionization works simply by attracting the negatively charged ions to one plate in the ionization chamber, and the positive charged ions to the other. This process also hass the effect reducing the water clusters, making the water lighter, much easier to drink and absorb.

This electrolysis process also converts whatever minerals that are in the tap water, and the trace elements into a colloidal form, which is the best for the body to absorb minerals. There is evidence that the colloidal form of minerals is the ones we should be taking. We are designed to obtain our minerals from natural alkaline mineral water.

The result of water ionization is that the alkaline, beneficial minerals in ionized, colloidal form end up in the alkaline water spout, harmful acidic ones in the acidic water waste pipe.

Myth: Alkalyzing the Blood is nonsense, don't be foled. Blood is naturally alkaline, and you can not disturb blood pH by drinking Alkaline Water

Yes blood is naturally alkaline, and yes you can not disturb blood pH beyond the permisable narrow blood pH range, but Alkaline Water can help your body maintain it at the optimum level within this permisable blood pH range.

Blood is naturally alkaline and well oxygenated, particularly in the young and those in good health. In this state it naturally prevents disease, as the bugs can not easily breed in this environment.

However, with the level of pollution and toxicity from the environment and the acidic foods we eat and the natural process of metabolism, the body eventually fails in maintaining this optimum level. Scientific studies have clearly demonstrated this to be the case. Studies have shown that as we age there is a gradual, almost imperceptible decline in our blood buffering abilities as we age.

It can be measured that blood pH in young, energetic, healthy persons is close to the optimum of 7.365, where as for less healthy persons it is slightly lower on average. A shift from 7.3 to 7.4 for example may seem small, but as pH is a logrithmic scale, the actual number of excess Oxygen molecules are significant. A 0.1 change in pH means a 100% increase in OH- ions, around 80% increase in excess Oxygen molecules.

A glass of alkaline water at pH 9 will have many trillions of excess Oxygen molecules as compared with at pH 7.

It is only when body pH falls that our body becomes susceptible diseases.

As you consume acid generating foods over years and years the bodies buffer and cleansing mechanism can't cope so well and average pH declines towards the lower end of the possible blood pH spectrum.

There is a lot of evidence that drinking lots of water helps the body in maintaining its natural alkaline state - seek and you shall find.


Comment: Doctors and scientists are very skeptical of "Miracle Water", "Miracle Cures" and "Wonder Drugs" often touted to cure this or that by Alternate channels

Doctors and scientists, though ethical and high minded, work in a system that they don't understand, a system that is controlled and run behind the scenes by very sinister creatures.

Do a google search, and you'll soon see what I mean for yourself.

Read the book 'The Medical Mafia'; check out the archives at

Water is a perfectly natural thing, as is air and natural food. The water ionizer just flters it, revitalises it and separates the Acid and Alkaline ion molecules in it by mild electrolysis.

It's the drug companies that are constantly peddling 'wonder drugs' to cure this or that and charging a small fortune for it. The body needs water not drugs.

Do you know what the average mark-up on prescription and over the counter drugs is?