Critical Look at Water Clusters: Part6

Dr Lower rubishes the work of Dr Emotos and countless others that are investigating Water Clusters and Structured Water. Does water have a memory, a hidden structure, as the Homeopaths have always maintained? Water Clusters (Images by Dr Emoto)

Spring Water of Saijo, Japan

Biwako Lake, the largest lake at the center of Japan and the water pool of the Kinki Region. Pollution is getting worse

Spring Water of Sanbuichi Yusui, Japan

Yodo River, Japan, pours into the Bay of Osaka. The river passes through most of the major cities in Kasai.

Antarctic Ice

Fujiwara Dam, before offering a prayer

Fountain in Lourdes, France

Fujiwara Dam, after offering a prayer



Hydration and Water Clusters

From the point of hydration, the only point of interest here is that the less clumped together water molecules there are the better the absorption, the less 'boated tummy' you get from drinking the water.

This is often the first thing experienced when you drink ionized water. This is confirmed by NMR figures for tap water and ionized water.


Van-Der Waals Forces and Water Clusters

The clumping-together is caused by van-der-waals forces between water molecules.


Ionized Water, 'Memory' and Virgin Water

The other alleged properties of water clusters like 'memory' are not relevant to Ionized Water because electrolysis reset the memory to a blank state. This is why it's sometimes called 'virgin water'

This phenomena, and the common 6 molecule pattern found in Ionized or Micro-Clustered Water, led researchers to wonder; if there is a clumping-together of water molecules, what pattern would they make?

What would it look like?

Could it that there is a mystery of life hidden in there?

Could there be a message in the water patterns?


Structured Water Criticism

Japanese and Korean scientists have been exploring these Structured Water Clusters for many years.

Dr Lower discredits the work of all researchers in the field of Structured Water Clusters like Dr Emoto, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon and Dr Hayashi, but I feel his views are like a bull going into a china shop! UK and many other universities are looking at structured water.

Dr Lower: "Well, if the water in your body is anything like the ideal shown at the top, then I have bad news: you are dead, and are no doubt residing in a deep-freeze!"


Very funny Stephen!

Shall we all have a big laugh over these mad Japanese and Korean scientists?

Ha, Ha, Ha, crazy Japanese mystic, crazy Koreans professor with over 250 published articles; they think that water is made of solid crystals...Ha, Ha, Ha!


Dr Emoto does not say that water has solid structures in it. He is trying to show that there is a hidden, invisible 'structure', a pattern or memory held in water.

Dr Emoto has devised a method to try to capture, decode or make visible this hidden information. His method is not perfect, but nature does not reveal it's secrets that easily.

Dr Emoto's starting point was when someone told him that EVERY snow flakes made a different pattern. He wondered, and then showed that this pattern that a water crystal (snow flake) makes is greatly influenced by our thoughts, words, music and so on.

It could be that there are flows in the experimental procedure, but to prove that you need to duplicate the findings, approaching the experiment with the same mind-set.

If you approach it convinced that THOUGHTS CAN NOT POSSIBLY HAVE AN EFFECT on water, then chances are that that is the results that you'll get. This is not a scientific approach, but a biased one.

Look at the photographs and ask yourself why a particular thought should create a particular pattern/picture?

What is it saying?

Why do you perceive one photograph as 'beautiful', another as 'ugly'?

Why does water subjected to 'beautiful' classical music look appealing, where as the one subjected to rock music looks nasty.

How do we judge beauty?

Supposing you wanted to program a computer with a camera to take 'nice' photos, how would you define 'nice', 'ugly', 'peacful', 'serene'?

Dr Emoto didn't draw the photographs, he just took the pictures - they appear to reveal a hitherto hidden aspect of nature.


Look at the pictures and judge for yourself.


Detailed Criticism

Dr Lower: "More of Emoto's photos and pseudoscientific rubbish can be found at the Hado site. For even more far-out phantasy, see More Messages in Water or The Power of Prayer Made Visible.....Emoto's book "The Message from Water" contains photos of ice crystals from waters which have been exposed to:"

music, words spoken, words typed and taped to the glass containers, photographs and long-distance thought messages. Some of the photographs are amazing and all of them show a response from the water.

"Many of the photos are quite nice, but the shapes of ice crystals are highly dependent on the conditions and rates of freezing, so Emoto's fanciful interpretations have no scientific validity"



These are true scientists that are presenting the evidence, which others are invited to replicate.

Just because there are challenges in the experimental procedure does not mean that it does not have 'scientific validity'.

You are welcome to make your own interpretations. Dr Emoto is just presenting the evidence, the pictures of Water Clusters speak for themselves.

Calling Dr Emoto's pioneering work "pseudoscientific rubbish" is insulting, and tells you more about the attitude of accuser then the accused.


Evidence of Memory held by Water?

I believe that Massaru Emoto's photographs are the first evidence that water is able to store or hold a memory in its structure and that it responds to or reflects our thoughts. This could explain why homeopathy works, and possibly explains many other mystery water cures like at Lourdes in France that have been reported for 100's of years.

As we are mostly water, this means that if you have loving thoughts, these will change the cells in your body and the water clusters in your body will reflect this love. Conversely, thoughts of hate, fear, and so on will create the corresponding nasty looking, toxic 'clusters' in your body.

This could be the primary cause of all ill health and disease, which over time manifests in visible forms.

To explore some of the mysteries of water, read Water and the Tao.


Dance of the Water Molecules

The 'hexagonal' water that Dr Emoto, Dr Jhon and other scientists are researching is a soft, moving water 'clustering' or clumping phenomena that is continually changing, like a dance of the molecules; our thoughts are able to change it.

The research is not related to any device that is marketed as being able to produce such water; it is about exploring a mystery of life. The clusters and images of water crystals give us clues to something hidden, invisible to our sight. Remember, 'a picture paints a thousand words'. Could memory, knowledge, experience be 'stored' or 'reflected' by water. Like paintings or flowers, Dr Emoto's water crystal images are saying things about the mysteries of life that words can not express, the rational mind can not comprehend.

What we know (scientifically speaking) is that hexagonal crystals are formed when water is frozen (e.g. a snowflake); we also know from NMR values that electricity appears to reduce similar clusters in water molecules, a property that lasts for 1-2 months, after which stored water reverts to 12-13 clusters for some reason.

From Dr Emoto's work we are introduced to the possibility that somehow the thoughts, intentions, music, spoken words are somehow are reflected by water molecules. This, he suggests, is by means of intriguing patterns of water clusters, that are invisible, but could be made visible by Dr Emoto's method.

Dr Emoto is not selling any quack products (and neither was the late Dr Jhon). After Dr Emoto made his discovery, and took the photographs, Japanese publishers wouldn't publish them. He self-published, and the water messages spread by word of mouth to today become a New York Times best seller.

Now many people throughout the world have seen them and have been moved by them. It is as if a key mystery of nature has been revealed to the general public consciousness.



Dr Jhon and the Water Puzzle


Dr Lower: "Prof. Paul Shin, of California State U. - Northridge and an expert on NMR, has demolished this nonsense in a very readable article."

In the linked article Prof. Paul Shin admits that he confirmed Dr Jhon's experiments:

'Sure enough I was indeed able to replicate his data precisely!'.


This is not exactly 'demolishing this nonsense', but rather confirming that NMR does give an indication of the cluster size of water molecules, and that it is different for different waters.

Prof. Shin seems to have an axe to grind, probably because a commercial device is being marketed on the back of the translated book, but this is not scientific attitude, and the late Dr Jhon probably was not aware of this product.

Prof Shin mentions that the NMR results for other waters like Urine, Distilled, Strawberry Juice, etc was the same as the Hexagonal water, and therefore implies that Dr Jhon's work or translation is flowed - i.e. hexagonal property is not unique to a particular water. But this does not mean that the research is flowed - Dr Jhon and people like Dr Hyashi show that the water in the body is ideally hexagonal, this is the case for all water in the body - urine, blood - and the water in nature and water existing in plants. This is confirmed with NMR readings. Lab tap water, on the other hand (from Dr Shins results), shows cluster sizes of twice this size, i.e. 12-13 clusters. If you take this water and pass it through an ionizer, you'd find that it will then give lower NMR/cluster size values.

There are a number of products, often sold via multi-level or pyramid marketing schemes that make various claims about producing such 'Structured Water', which seem to be dubious, as Prof. Lower explains. But this does not mean that the research by people such as Dr Shik Jhon and Dr Emoto is flawed by association. In connection with this, it can be demonstrated that certain naturally occurring substances like certain ceramics, tourmaline and even the natural flow of water along streams results in a water with lower surface tension and smaller clusters as compared with 'dead' tap water.

Remember, your thoughts are able to change the water cluster patterns - and this for me is the most important aspect of the water clusters work and the messages from water that are contained in the patterns.